Happy New Year, and apologies for a long silence: I've been busy with the next Mortal Engines book, of which I'll be able to say more soon, I hope. Meanwhile, Cream Tea Western Prairie Rascals is creeping towards completion: we have a rough cut, and are amassing the music and sound effects we need to finish it. I've also put together a brief trailer which you can watch here.
It's a tricky project to trailer-ise because a lot of scenes won't mean much without their context, and I also don't want to give too much away. But hopefully this hints at the sort of thing you can expect: stand-offs, stare-outs, sudden outbursts of violence, and the wide open spaces of the Old West*.
The music is by Nick Riddle (an arrangement of the cheery folk song Death Came A-Knockin') and the vocal is by Rosanna Lambert.
*For budgetary reason, the wide-open spaces of the Old West are represented by my garden, and bits of Dartmoor not too far from car-parks.