Happy New Year, and apologies for a long silence: I've been busy with the next Mortal Engines book, of which I'll be able to say more soon, I hope. Meanwhile, Cream Tea Western Prairie Rascals is creeping towards completion: we have a rough cut, and are amassing the music and sound effects we need to finish it. I've also put together a brief trailer which you can watch here. It's a tricky project to trailer-ise because a lot of scenes won't mean much without their context, and I also don't want to give too much away. But hopefully this hints at the sort of thing you can expect: stand-offs, stare-outs, sudden outbursts of violence, and the wide open spaces of the Old West*. The music is by Nick Riddle (an arrangement of the cheery folk song Death Came A-Knockin' ) and the vocal is by Rosanna Lambert. *For budgetary reason, the wide-open spaces of the Old West are represented by my garden, and bits of Dartmoor not too far from car-parks.
Thunder City has been out in the world for a week now. Here's a nice review by Sam Creighton . And here's another from Through the Bookshelf . If you've read the book and like it, please do add a review on Amazon or whichever social media site you prefer. (If you've read the book and didn't like it, please don't!) Meanwhile, I've been on the Adventuremice trail with Sarah McIntyre, who has blogged about our adventures in Marlborough and Bath .